Saturday, April 13, 2013

Jehovah’s Will Brochure Pinyin Web Material for Lesson 22 Added

Jehovah’s Will brochure Pinyin web material for Lesson 22 has been added to:

The above resources now have the Pinyin for the front cover to Lesson 22 of the Jehovah’s Will brochure. Note that the full text in Pinyin of all the cited scriptures is included in the above resources.

Also, the introductions have been rewritten to more fully explain why it’s good to use Pinyin as a writing system on its own.

See the below post for an introduction to the above resources:

I plan to put out new material for the Jehovah’s Will brochure first on these new Pinyin web pages, because I can do that faster than I can make corresponding new 3-line material.

It seems like I should be able to put out a new Lesson on the Jehovah’s Will brochure Pinyin web pages before every Monday.