Wednesday, November 26, 2014

Bible Teach Bk. Pīnyīn Web Material For All of Ch. 2 Added

Bible Teach book Pīnyīn web material for all of chapter 2 has been added to:

Besides the addition of new material, the above resources have also been re-architected as follows:

  • Footnotes and the full text of cited scriptures have been moved to be at the end of the same web page that the referring links are on, to the section entitled Jīngwén hé Jiǎozhù. This moves the footnotes out of the text flow of the main body, and it speeds up scripture lookups.
  • To match the style of official EPUB files and apps, the study questions have been moved to be before their paragraph(s) rather than after them.
  • Picture links now appear at the same places in the text flow that their corresponding pictures appear at in the offical EPUB files, websites, and apps.

Note that:

  • The material in the above resources has been carefully rendered and proofread.
  • Since the Bible Teach book may get revised, the material in the above resources has been checked against the Chinese Bible Teach book material on the WOL. If you notice that some changes need to be made to the material in the above resources to bring it in line with revisions to the Bible Teach book, please email me to let me know.
  • The linked full text in Pīnyīn of all the cited scriptures is included in the above resources.
  • The above resources are mobile-friendly—they are quite legible and usable on everything from desktop/laptop PCs and Macs to iPads and other tablets to iPhones and other smartphones.
  • In the above resources, links are used extensively to make it quick and easy to get around in the material, drastically reducing the amount of manual scrolling needed.
  • The above resources contain picture links.
  • The Offline Viewing sections of the above resources explain how to view them offline. Of course, in addition to being downloadable and viewable offline, the web pages of the above web resources can also be printed out from your web browser.
  • Turning mobile devices to landscape orientation causes the text in the above resources to become large-print text.
  • For your convenience, a short link is available for the above resources.

Also, the introductions explain why it’s good to use Pīnyīn as a writing system on its own.

The full Pīnyīn text of all the cited scriptures in the new material has been added to:

Tuesday, November 25, 2014

Close to Jehovah Bk. 3-line, Scriptures, EPUB & Web Material for All of Ch. 16 Added

Close to Jehovah Bk. 3-line-with-scriptures EPUB & web material for all of ch. 16 has been added to:

Note that:

  • The full 3-line text of all the cited scriptures is included in the above resources.
  • The above resources are mobile-friendly—the EPUB & web material is quite legible and usable on everything from desktop/laptop PCs and Macs to iPads and other tablets to iPhones and other smartphones.
  • The above resources contain paragraph links, footnote links, etc. to make it quick and easy to get around in the material, drastically reducing the amount of manual scrolling needed.
  • Like PDF files, EPUB files can be downloaded for offline viewing.
  • In common EPUB-reading apps like iBooks, EPUB files can be annotated, meaning that notes, highlighting, etc. can be added.
  • In common EPUB-reading apps like iBooks, the text size of the EPUB material can be adjusted to be quite large.
  • iBooks has an optional Night theme.
  • For your convenience, a short link is available for the above resources.

Friday, November 21, 2014

Close to Jehovah Bk. 3-line, Scriptures, EPUB & Web Material for Ch. 16, Par. 10–17 Added

Close to Jehovah Bk. 3-line-with-scriptures EPUB & web material for ch. 16, par. 10–17 has been added to:

Also, the material for par. 18 to the end of ch. 16 is included in the web material, with a grey background. It has not yet received final formatting, but is otherwise usable.

Note that:

  • The full 3-line text of all the cited scriptures is included in the above resources.
  • The above resources are mobile-friendly—the EPUB & web material is quite legible and usable on everything from desktop/laptop PCs and Macs to iPads and other tablets to iPhones and other smartphones.
  • The above resources contain paragraph links, footnote links, etc. to make it quick and easy to get around in the material, drastically reducing the amount of manual scrolling needed.
  • Like PDF files, EPUB files can be downloaded for offline viewing.
  • In common EPUB-reading apps like iBooks, EPUB files can be annotated, meaning that notes, highlighting, etc. can be added.
  • In common EPUB-reading apps like iBooks, the text size of the EPUB material can be adjusted to be quite large.
  • iBooks has an optional Night theme.
  • For your convenience, a short link is available for the above resources.

Monday, November 17, 2014

Close to Jehovah Bk. 3-line, Scriptures, EPUB & Web Material for Ch. 16, Par. 1–9 Added

Close to Jehovah Bk. 3-line-with-scriptures EPUB & web material for ch. 16, par. 1–9 has been added to:

Also, the material for the rest of ch. 16 is included in the web material, with a grey background. It has not yet received final formatting, but is otherwise usable.

Note that:

  • The full 3-line text of all the cited scriptures is included in the above resources.
  • The above resources are mobile-friendly—the EPUB & web material is quite legible and usable on everything from desktop/laptop PCs and Macs to iPads and other tablets to iPhones and other smartphones.
  • The above resources contain paragraph links, footnote links, etc. to make it quick and easy to get around in the material, drastically reducing the amount of manual scrolling needed.
  • Like PDF files, EPUB files can be downloaded for offline viewing.
  • In common EPUB-reading apps like iBooks, EPUB files can be annotated, meaning that notes, highlighting, etc. can be added.
  • In common EPUB-reading apps like iBooks, the text size of the EPUB material can be adjusted to be quite large.
  • iBooks has an optional Night theme.
  • For your convenience, a short link is available for the above resources.

Tuesday, November 11, 2014

Good News Brochure Pīnyīn EPUB Material For All of Lesson 7 Added

Good News brochure Pīnyīn EPUB material for all of Lesson 7 has been added to:

The download page of the above resource and the EPUB file’s introduction have information on the advantages of the EPUB format, which is native to the computer world, compared to the PDF format, which is rooted in the world of paper publications.

Also, they explain why it’s good to use Pīnyīn as a writing system on its own, since Pīnyīn simply and straightforwardly represents Mandarin speech, which is more important for us to master in our spiritual work than Chinese characters are.—1 Cor. 14:8–11.

As discussed here, the default typeface for the above resource is now Gentium Basic. (In iBooks, the default font is listed as Original.)

Besides the addition of new material, the above resource has also been re-architected as follows:

  • The full text of footnotes has been moved to be at the end of the publication, in the section entitled Jīngwén hé Jiǎozhù. This moves the full text of the footnotes out of the text flow of the main body, following the practice of the official apps, EPUB files, and websites.
  • Picture links now appear at the same places in the text flow that their corresponding pictures appear at in the official apps, EPUB files, and websites.

Note that:

  • The material in the above resource has been carefully rendered and proofread.
  • Since the Good News brochure may get revised, the material in the above resource has been checked against the Chinese Good News brochure material on the WOL. If you notice that some changes need to be made to the material in the above resource to bring it in line with revisions to the Good News brochure, please email me to let me know.
  • The linked full text in Pīnyīn of all the cited scriptures is included in the above resource.
  • The above resource is mobile-friendly—the EPUB material is quite legible and usable on everything from desktop/laptop PCs and Macs to iPads and other tablets to iPhones and other smartphones.
  • In the above resource, links are used extensively to make it quick and easy to get around in the material, drastically reducing the amount of manual scrolling needed.
  • The above resource contains picture links.
  • The above resource contains a link to the video “Shàngdì Yǒu Míngzi ma?” (“Does God Have a Name?”) on
  • In common EPUB-reading apps like iBooks, the text size can be adjusted to be quite large.
  • iBooks has an optional Night theme.
  • For your convenience, a short link is available for the above resources.

The full Pīnyīn text of all the cited scriptures in the new material has been added to:

Good News Brochure Pīnyīn Web Material For All of Lesson 7 Added

Good News brochure Pīnyīn web material for all of Lesson 7 has been added to:

The introductions of the above resources explain why it’s good to use Pīnyīn as a writing system on its own, since Pīnyīn simply and straightforwardly represents Mandarin speech, which is more important for us to master in our spiritual work than Chinese characters are.—1 Cor. 14:8–11.

As discussed here, the default typeface for the above resources is now Gentium Basic.

Besides the addition of new material, the above resources have also been re-architected as follows:

  • The full text of footnotes has been moved to be at the end of each web page, in the section entitled Jīngwén hé Jiǎozhù. This moves the full text of the footnotes out of the text flow of the main body, following the practice of the official apps, EPUB files, and websites.
  • Picture links now appear at the same places in the text flow that their corresponding pictures appear at in the official apps, EPUB files, and websites.

Note that:

  • The material in the above resources has been carefully rendered and proofread.
  • Since the Good News brochure may get revised, the material in the above resources has been checked against the Chinese Good News brochure material on the WOL. If you notice that some changes need to be made to the material in the above resources to bring it in line with revisions to the Good News brochure, please email me to let me know.
  • The linked full text in Pīnyīn of all the cited scriptures is included in the above resources.
  • The above resources are mobile-friendly—they are quite legible and usable on everything from desktop/laptop PCs and Macs to iPads and other tablets to iPhones and other smartphones.
  • In the above resources, links are used extensively to make it quick and easy to get around in the material, drastically reducing the amount of manual scrolling needed.
  • The above resources contain picture links.
  • The above resources contain a link to the video “Shàngdì Yǒu Míngzi ma?” (“Does God Have a Name?”) on
  • The Offline Viewing sections of the above resources explain how to view them offline. Of course, in addition to being downloadable and viewable offline, the web pages of the above web resources can also be printed out from your web browser.
  • Turning mobile devices to landscape orientation causes the text in the above resources to become large-print text.
  • For your convenience, a short link is available for the above resources.

The full Pīnyīn text of all the cited scriptures in the new material has been added to:

Saturday, November 01, 2014

Close to Jehovah Bk. 3-line, Scriptures, EPUB & Web Material for All of Ch. 15 Added

Close to Jehovah Bk. 3-line-with-scriptures EPUB & web material for all of chapter 15 has been added to:

Note that:

  • The full 3-line text of all the cited scriptures is included in the above resources.
  • The above resources are mobile-friendly—the EPUB & web material is quite legible and usable on everything from desktop/laptop PCs and Macs to iPads and other tablets to iPhones and other smartphones.
  • The above resources contain paragraph links, footnote links, etc. to make it quick and easy to get around in the material, drastically reducing the amount of manual scrolling needed.
  • Like PDF files, EPUB files can be downloaded for offline viewing.
  • In common EPUB-reading apps like iBooks, EPUB files can be annotated, meaning that notes, highlighting, etc. can be added.
  • In common EPUB-reading apps like iBooks, the text size of the EPUB material can be adjusted to be quite large.
  • iBooks has an optional Night theme.
  • For your convenience, a short link is available for the above resources.