Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Doing Jehovah’s Will Brochure Pinyin Web Material for Lessons 2 and 13 Added

Doing Jehovah’s Will brochure Pinyin web material for Lessons 2 and 13 have been added to:

See the below post for an introduction to the above resources:

I plan to put out new material for the Doing Jehovah’s Will brochure first on these new Pinyin web pages, because I can do that faster than I can make corresponding new 3-line material. Then, after a comfortable amount of new Pinyin material is out on those web pages, I plan to go back and use that already-proofread Pinyin material to speed along production of corresponding new 3-line material, while also gradually pulling the Pinyin for the front cover to Lesson 8 of the brochure from the existing 3-line material into the Pinyin web pages.