Thursday, January 27, 2022

Pīnyīn Plus Expressions Now Intuitively Behave Like Light Switches 💡

light bulb

The integrated, interactive “flashcards” are what put the “Plus” in Pīnyīn Plus material. When one comes across a Pīnyīn expression in Pīnyīn Plus material that one would like to know more about, one can just tap/click on that Pīnyīn expression to shed some light on it by revealing a “flashcard” next to it showing its English meaning, Simplified character(s), Traditional character(s) (if they’re different), etc.

Before, though, to again hide the newly revealed “flashcard”, one had to tap/click on the “flashcard” itself—tapping/clicking again on its Pīnyīn expression did nothing, whereas one might intuitively expect that action to again hide the “flashcard” that had been revealed. Now, on all available Pīnyīn Plus resources, Pīnyīn expressions do indeed have this light switch-like behaviour that many may intuitively expect, of showing/hiding their associated “flashcards”. I do believe many will find that this is a good idea 💡!

(Tapping/clicking on a revealed “flashcard” itself will still hide it, like before.)

For more information on the Pīnyīn Plus format, check out the introductory information here.

The short link for a list of available Pīnyīn Plus resources is: