Wednesday, August 14, 2019

New Resources: Official Pīnyīn Publications on the WOL in Chinese Mandarin (Traditional) - 中文繁體(國語)

Official Pīnyīn web material is now also available for certain publications on the Watchtower Online Library (WOL) when the language is set to Chinese Mandarin (Traditional) - 中文繁體(國語). (Before, such official Pīnyīn web material was only available on the WOL when the language was set to Chinese Mandarin (Simplified) - 中文简体(普通话).) This new web material renders Traditional Chinese characters with Pīnyīn ruby text, kind of like the official Pīnyīn PDF files do. However, unlike the official Pīnyīn PDF files, which are digital versions of paper publications with fixed page sizes and line renderings, this official Pīnyīn web material inherits the ability of web material to adapt to displays of different shapes and sizes, making it much more mobile-friendly than PDFs, especially on smaller mobile devices.

Selecting the option to display Pīnyīn or not in the Watchtower Online Library (WOL) when the language is set to Chinese Mandarin (Traditional) - 中文繁體(國語) is done like it is when the language is set to Chinese Mandarin (Simplified) - 中文简体(普通话). See this post for more details.

The affected short links will gradually be updated as time allows.