Tuesday, July 17, 2018

Proofread Pīnyīn Lyrics Available for the Closing Song of Mandarin 2018 Regional Conventions

(NOTE: Re the valid general concerns expressed here about posting official publications to the Internet, there are good reasons for concluding that those concerns do not apply to this particular material. See this disclaimer for more information.)

Some of you may have noticed that in the program for the 2018 regional conventions, no number is provided for the closing song on the last day. *** Minor spoiler ***: It turns out that the closing song is a new one, and it is considered one of the convention releases. Currently, however, no official Pīnyīn material seems to be available for it.

To help those who would benefit from Pīnyīn lyrics for it, proofread Pīnyīn web material (better than auto-generated Pīnyīn like that displayed by the Equipd app, and more mobile-friendly than the older 3-line PDFs) for the closing song of Mandarin 2018 regional conventions has been posted to this resource:

Screenshot of the above resource being used offline on an iPhone 📱, using the app GoodReader. (Other similar apps can also be used, e.g. Documents.) (A screenshot of the closing song would be a spoiler, so one of a different song is shown above. 😊)

The Pīnyīn songbook material in the above unofficial resource has been designed to be mobile-first, so it works well on mobile devices of various shapes and sizes, including tablets and smartphones 📱.

  • The lyrics-only material uses Pīnyīn Plus technology, so the text automatically reflows according to the width of the display. Also, the text can be set to different sizes by the user, and a Night Theme is available. As time allows, more Pīnyīn Plus “flashcards” will be added, with their English translations, Chinese characters, etc.

The introduction for the above resource explains why it’s good to use Pīnyīn as a writing system on its own.

Musical notation 🎼 with Pīnyīn lyrics for the closing song of 2018 regional conventions is in the works, and should be available soon.