Tuesday, August 15, 2017

Publication-based Pīnyīn Plus Web Material Now Has Maximum Line Lengths for Better Readability

The website Butterick’s Practical Typography points out the following:

Shorter lines are more com­fort­able to read than longer lines. As line length in­creases, your eye has to travel far­ther from the end of one line to the be­gin­ning of the next, mak­ing it harder to track your progress vertically.

Line length | Butterick’s Practical Typography

The iBooks iOS app already applies the above principle when rendering EPUB files, and now the existing publication-based Pīnyīn Plus web material applies the above principle as well. Whereas it previously would allow lines of text to be as long as their displaying window’s margins allowed, now, to preserve readability, lines of text will only grow in length up to a predetermined maximum, even if the window’s size would previously have allowed for longer line lengths.

This new behaviour can currently be seen in action in the following resources, especially as text sizes and/or device orientations get changed: