Pīnyīn-English Expressions Web Resource Updated and Rearchitected
The Pīnyīn-English Expressions web resource has been updated with new expressions and various other revisions resulting from recent Pīnyīn-English material production. Also, due to very slow loading in iOS 10, the single web page (which allowed global searching with a browser’s Find feature) has been divided into multiple faster-loading web pages:
- Pīnyīn-English Expressions (Web)
Proofread, mobile-friendly,
sorted mainly by Pīnyīn,
English translations with
literal & effective meanings,
links for index headings
(Your browser’s Find feature
can also be used to search on a page
by Pīnyīn or English.)
Night Theme that can be turned on or off
using the ☀️/🌙 button at the top right - Short Links:
Links ▶ Vocabulary Lists ▶
Pīnyīn-English Expressions Link (tiandi.info/pex)