Thursday, January 30, 2014

New Resources: NWT Bible (Pīnyīn, Web) Pages

We are undoubtedly grateful for the provision of the official Pīnyīn New World Translation Bible. The paper edition has been available for many years now, and the PDF version recently became available for download from as well. However, many find the paper edition to be too big and heavy to take out in the preaching work, since it includes the text of the entire Bible in both characters and Pīnyīn at legible sizes. The PDF version, of course, doesn’t add any bulk or weight to your mobile device, but it can take a lot of time and effort to find scriptures in it, since the only links in it are from the table of contents to the book headings. Also, the PDF file’s page size was meant for pages the size of those in the paper edition, so on smaller mobile devices especially, a lot of zooming and panning is required to navigate through the PDF.

Now, some new unofficial resources have become available that make it quicker and easier than ever to use mobile devices, etc. to look up proofread Pīnyīn text for many commonly used scriptures:

Note that:

  • The material in the above resources has been carefully rendered and proofread.
  • The above resources are mobile-friendly—they are quite legible and usable on everything from desktop/laptop PCs and Macs to iPads and other tablets to iPhones and other smartphones.
  • Using the links in the above resources, you can “teleport” from the table of contents to a particular book heading, from there to a particular chapter heading, from there back to its book heading, and from there back to the table of contents.
  • Many of the scriptures in the above resources were collated from Pīnyīn resources prepared for the Jehovah’s Will brochure, the Good News brochure, etc. Many commonly used scriptures are already included in the above resources, and more scriptures will gradually be added to them over time.
  • Turning mobile devices to landscape orientation causes the text in the above resources to become large-print text.
  • For your convenience, a short link is available for the above resources.

Also, the introductions explain why it’s good to use Pīnyīn as a writing system on its own.