Friday, August 16, 2013

Special PDFs for Printing Out the Pīnyīn-English Web Pages Now Available

For anyone who wants to do so, the Pīnyīn-English web pages can already be printed out from the web browsers being used to view them. Now, special PDF files with the content of the Pīnyīn-English web pages are also available, that provide smaller text sizes and easier control over which pages to print out.

These PDF files are linked to from the Introduction and Disclaimer ▶ Offline Viewing and Printing sections of the Pīnyīn-English web pages.

Note that these special PDFs are just for printing out, so they do not have working links corresponding to the links in the Pīnyīn-English web pages.

FYI, these are the currently available Pīnyīn-English web pages: