Monday, July 29, 2013

Pīnyīn Was Plan A” Now Available as an Article on

The article “Pīnyīn Was Plan A” is now available to be read on This is a revised version of the post of the same name. Here is the link:

Pīnyīn Was Plan A”

(The login information required is the same as for anywhere else on

(If you’re already on the site, you can find this article in the folder Misc ▶ Articles.)

The subject of Pīnyīn and the Chinese characters may be one of the most important subjects I have ever written about, since it deals with facing the most difficult fundamental aspect of the Mandarin language, the language that is the very reason that the Mandarin field exists. This article contains much of the fruitage of months of research and analysis regarding this subject, and I highly recommend that anyone in or interested in the Mandarin field read it. Please feel free to pass on the information about this article to any Witness you know who fits that description. (Many of the principles discussed in this article apply to the Cantonese field as well, which is evidently consolidating on the Sidney Lau system as the romanization system of choice.)