Sunday, September 19, 2010

Input Requested for a Proposed 3-Line Material on Android Phones Page

The Apple iPhone and iPod touch revolutionized mobile devices when they came out in 2007. I myself am the proud owner of an iPod touch, and I am very happy with it. While previous mobile devices had small screens on which it would have been difficult to use the 3-line and pinyin PDF files, these new devices came with much bigger 3"x2" screens. So, I got to work on what eventually became the XLP-iPhone-A5 PDF files, designed especially for mobile devices with screens of this size. Also, I produced the 3-Line Material on the iPhone and the iPod touch information page, which has proven quite popular.

In response to Apple’s handheld devices which run what Apple now calls the iOS operating system, Google has made available the Android operating system, which has been widely adopted by smartphone makers wanting to compete with Apple. Not surprisingly, then, lately I have been coming across evidence that along with the many among our fellow workers in the Chinese field who use Apple iOS devices, there are now also many who use Android phones.

Happily, the PDF file format is widely supported by various computer platforms, including Android, so the XLP-iPhone-A5 PDF files should work just fine on Android phones, which have screens that are at least roughly similar in size and shape to those of iPhones. However, not having an Android phone of my own, I do not have firsthand experience with Android apps for viewing PDFs. If you have such experience, I and your fellow Android users in the Chinese field would appreciate it if you could share some of your findings with us regarding:

  • What are some good apps with which it is reasonably easy to transfer PDF files onto Android phones and view them?
  • Among such apps, how is the support for:
    • zooming?
    • link navigation using bookmarks and links?
    • annotation (notes & highlighting)?

Please email me regarding any firsthand knowledge you have regarding the above points. If I can gather enough such information, I will produce a 3-Line Material on Android Phones information page for the benefit of our fellow workers who use Android phones.