XLP-iPhone-A5 Size “God’s Love” Bk. 3-Line Material Files Upgraded With LinkNav
It appears that more and more, the 3-line, etc. PDF files will be used on mobile devices rather than printed out on paper. To make them more nimble and useful on such devices, the XLP-iPhone-A5 size “God’s Love” book 3-line material files available for download from the “God’s Love” Book (Chinese + Pinyin + English) page have been upgraded with PDF bookmarks and links. To show the presence of these new features, “LinkNav” (“Link Navigation”) has been added to their filenames.
The newly created PDF Link Navigation page provides more information on the LinkNav features, and includes a link to this 32-second QuickTime video screen recording (iPhone version) that shows how PDF bookmarks and links have been implemented in the LinkNav files.