Friday, June 28, 2013

Jeremiah Bk. XLP-iPhone-A5 Size LN-A 3-Line Material for Ch. 12 Posted

3-line XLP-iPhone-A5 size files for Chapter 12 of the Jeremiah book are now available for download from the Jeremiah Book (3-Line, XLP-iPhone-A5, LN-A) page. The files have LN-A (LinkNav and annotation (notes & highlighting)) support, and they are available in Pinyin+Simp. Chinese and Sidney Lau+Trad. Chinese versions.

To help explain how the XLP-iPhone-A5 files may work well on a variety of mobile devices, the following paragraphs are included on the Jeremiah Book (3-Line, XLP-iPhone-A5, LN-A) page:

While the regular files use letter size as the paper size, these files named with “XLP-iPhone-A5” use A5 as the paper size, and are especially suited for use on devices such as the iPhone, the iPod touch, and other devices with similarly sized screens, such as Android phones. (See the 3-Line Material on the iPhone and the iPod touch page for instructions on how to use these files on an iPhone or an iPod touch.)

The XLP-iPhone-A5 files should also be a good fit on 6" (15.2 cm) screen Kindles and other similarly sized devices, as well as on tablets with 7" (17.8 cm) screens, as long as these devices have PDF support. (Note that landscape orientation may work best, as explained on the 3-Line Material on the iPhone and the iPod touch page.) Some may prefer to use these files on larger mobile devices like the Kindle DX or the iPad as well. (See the 3-Line Material on the iPad page for instructions on how to use these files on an iPad.)

Also, instructions are included re how to download the files on an iPhone or an iPod touch using GoodReader for iPhone, and how to download the files on an iPad using GoodReader for iPad.

The relevant folders at the site contain an HTML file (web page) with a link to the Jeremiah Book (3-Line, XLP-iPhone-A5, LN-A) page.

Related links:

Wednesday, June 26, 2013

New Resources: Good News Brochure (Pīnyīn-English, Web, Scriptures) Pages

While there have been 3-line PDFs for the Good News brochure available on for a while now, these files are Letter/A4 size, and, especially combined with the font sizes chosen for the text in them, this makes them less than ideal for mobile devices like the iPhone. Even on an iPad, many may find the text in these particular files too small to be comfortably readable without inconvenient zooming and panning.

Also, the PDF format is rooted in the print world, and it is not the native format of the web browser you would use to go to a website like Thus, while PDF files can be downloaded, and often even viewed, with a web browser, they still represent some added complexity.

So, I have come up with a new set of resources for the Good News brochure that should help with the above:

To start with, material is available on these new resources covering from the front cover to the end of Lesson 1 of the Good News brochure. The full text in Pīnyīn-English of the cited scriptures is included.

More background information can be found in the Introductions of these new web pages:

Pīnyīn, With English Ruby Text

This material contains text from the Chinese Good News brochure, written in Pīnyīn. It also includes English ruby text that has been bundled with the Pīnyīn text that it shows the meaning of. Thus, this material provides us Mandarin-learners with assistance in the two language aspects we require in order to be able to discuss or study the Good News brochure with someone in Mandarin:

  1. The pronunciations of the Mandarin words used
    • These show us how to communicate the brochure’s message in Mandarin.
  2. The meanings of the Mandarin words used
    • These show us what is being communicated in Mandarin.

Advantages of the Web Format


Pīnyīn is a Good, Workable Writing System On Its Own




Translation and Proofreading


Offline Viewing


Updates and Other Information


The below-listed Pīnyīn-only resources will continue to be available as well:

The above Pīnyīn-only resources, being less complex, will be updated sooner than the Pīnyīn-English resources. Also, when the mobile device they are loaded on is turned to landscape orientation, the text in these Pīnyīn-only web pages becomes large-print text. (The text of the Pīnyīn-English web pages is set to stay the same size when the device is turned to landscape orientation, so that there is more room for the English ruby text.)

Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Good News Brochure Pinyin Web Material Up to Lesson 4, Question 3 Added

Good News brochure Pinyin web material covering up to Lesson 4, Question 3 has been added to:

Note that:

  • The URLs (Internet addresses) of the above resources have recently been changed. Please make sure you update any bookmarks, etc. Also, for your convenience, a short link is now available for the above resources.
  • The full text in Pinyin of all the cited scriptures is included in the above resources.
  • The above resources are mobile-friendly.
  • Turning mobile devices to landscape orientation causes the text in the above resources to become large-print text.

Also, the introductions explain why it’s good to use Pinyin as a writing system on its own.

See the below post for an introduction to the above resources:

Going forward, I plan to focus primarily on producing Pinyin web pages such as the above, because I can produce such material faster than I can produce corresponding new 3-line PDF material. I am also working on eventually making available some Pinyin-English web material.

Wednesday, June 05, 2013

Good News Brochure Pinyin Web Material For All of Lesson 3 Added

Good News brochure Pinyin web material covering up to the end of Lesson 3 has been added to:

Note that:

  • The URLs (Internet addresses) of the above resources have recently been changed. Please make sure you update any bookmarks, etc. Also, for your convenience, a short link is now available for the above resources.
  • The full text in Pinyin of all the cited scriptures is included in the above resources.
  • The above resources are mobile-friendly.
  • Turning mobile devices to landscape orientation causes the text in the above resources to become large-print text.

Also, the introductions explain why it’s good to use Pinyin as a writing system on its own.

See the below post for an introduction to the above resources:

Going forward, I plan to focus primarily on producing Pinyin web pages such as the above, because I can produce such material faster than I can produce corresponding new 3-line PDF material. I am also working on eventually making available some Pinyin-English web material.

Recreated Resources: RTE and Was Life Created? Br. Pages

The following resources that used to be on have been recreated elsewhere:

The links to the above resources at have been updated accordingly.

Work on recreating Chinese field resources at is continuing, so check back here regularly for updates.

Monday, June 03, 2013

Good News Brochure Pinyin Web Material Up to Lesson 3, Question 2 Added

Good News brochure Pinyin web material covering up to Lesson 3, Question 2 has been added to:

Note that:

  • The URLs (Internet addresses) of the above resources have recently been changed. Please make sure you update any bookmarks, etc. Also, for your convenience, a short link is now available for the above resources.
  • The full text in Pinyin of all the cited scriptures is included in the above resources.
  • The above resources are mobile-friendly.
  • Turning mobile devices to landscape orientation causes the text in the above resources to become large-print text.

Also, the introductions explain why it’s good to use Pinyin as a writing system on its own.

See the below post for an introduction to the above resources:

Going forward, I plan to focus primarily on producing Pinyin web pages such as the above, because I can produce such material faster than I can produce corresponding new 3-line PDF material. I am also working on eventually making available some Pinyin-English web material.