Minor 2009-11-28 Links File Update Posted
A minor update to the Links file, dated 2009-11-28, has been posted to the Chinese Links File page. Access information in recent Links emails is still valid. If you would like to receive a Links email with information on how to access this page, email me, providing information such as what group or congregation you’re with, who referred you to this site, etc.
The following minor tweaks have been made:
- Gradint has been tagged as *** UPDATED ***.
- Byki no longer has current Palm or Pocket PC versions, so these versions are no longer mentioned in the Byki Theo. Chinese Data Files section.
- Publication types (Books, etc.) have been added to subheadings for greater clarity. E.g., under the Books index heading, what was the Teacher subheading is now the Teacher Book subheading.
- A link to the Links News blog post with instructions on how to overcome password-related issues has been added to the Note at the top of the page regarding passwords.
- Added a Note re finding things: section to the top of the page.
- Added a reminder re the Directons file to the top of the page.
- The Songbook—Romanised Material section has been updated.