Wednesday, June 25, 2008

As shown on the current Links file, I have started a new blog over at Here is a quotation from its About page:

“Matthew 13:38 says ‘The field is the world’, and ‘田地’ (tiándì) is the Chinese term used there to translate ‘field’. The Chinese field is indeed worldwide, reflecting the presence of Chinese people all over the world. ... This blog will contain original content that I hope will provide a deeper look at this worldwide Chinese field and at what is involved in being in it. Some of the thoughts expressed may be relevant to other fields as well.

“Some of the themes I am thinking of exploring regarding how they relate to the Chinese field and those involved in it include:

  • Culture / Pop Culture / Media
  • News
  • Technology
  • Language
  • Experiences & Interviews
  • History
  • Travel

“You may also find it interesting to check out the list of Chinese proto-groups (not official groups yet), groups, and congregations that I know of around the world. It can be accessed by clicking on the List link in the Navigation section at the right side of each page. The Map page contains links and information about how to view the locations of these proto-groups, groups, and congregations in the amazing program Google Earth. You might be surprised and delighted to find out where in the world fellow workers are active in the Chinese field.

“...I hope you fellow workers will find this site to be a good alternative to worldly web sites, magazines, etc. It is meant to be a source of information and commentary on topics like the ones listed above, but written specifically for you, not worldly people.

“...there will be a certain amount of personal observation and personal opinion on this blog. Commenting will be enabled, so feel free to contribute to the discussion in an upbuilding and encouraging way. Note that Comment Moderation is enabled, so anonymous comments will not appear until they have been cleared.”


  • For better security, do not check the Remember Password option.
  • The hosting service for does not support news feeds on password-protected blogs, so a related blog and its news feed have been set up here to provide notification of new content at You may use a news reader program or web sites like Bloglines, Google Reader or NewsGator Online to get notification of new entries in this blog as they are posted.

Saturday, June 21, 2008

Folleto Exige en Español - Material hasta el cap. 4 disponible

Material en 3 líneas en español hasta el final del capítulo 4 del folleto Exige ya ha sido incluido en la nueva página web Folleto Exige (Chino + Pinyin + Español). Esperamos terminar este material tan pronto como nos sea posible para obtener el máximo provecho de los folletos Exige que queden.

Información sobre cómo acceder a este material está incluido en el archivo Links (2008-06-20).


Spanish Require Brochure Material Up To Ch. 4 Posted

Spanish 3-line material up to the end of ch. 4 of the Require brochure has been posted to the new Spanish Folleto Exige (Chino + Pinyin + Español) web page. We hope to finish this material as quickly as possible to get as much benefit as possible out of the remaining Require brochures.

Information on how to access this material is included in the current Links file (2008-06-20).

Artículos de La Atalaya Enseñanzas de Jesús en Español. Material Posteado

Material en 3 líneas en español de los artículos Enseñanzas de Jesús de La Atalaya, de los números del 1º de Febrero de 2008 y 1º de Mayo de 2008 han sido posteados en la nueva página web en español: Enseñanzas de Jesús (Chino + Pinyin + Español). Evidentemente estos artículos fueron designados para ser estudiados con los mamos de casa, y aparecerán cuatro veces en el año.

Información sobre cómo acceder a este material está incluido en el archivo Links (2008-06-20).


Spanish What We Learn... w Magazine Article Material Posted

Spanish 3-line material for the Feb. 1, 2008 and May 1, 2008 What We Learn... w magazine articles has been posted to the new Spanish Enseñanzas de Jesús (Chino + Pinyin + Español) web page. Evidently, these articles were designed to be studied with householders, and they will appear four times a year.

Information on how to access this material is included in the current Links file (2008-06-20).

Friday, June 20, 2008

2008-06-20 Links File Update Released

The 2008-06-20 Links file update has been released. Those of you who are on the list to receive email updates have been sent an email with directions on how to obtain this updated file. If you have not received this email update and would like to, email me about receiving the update and getting added to the mailing list.

The Links file recently underwent a major redesign, which debuted with the 2008-02-18 version. This redesign is intended to help make it easier to find things in the growing list of resources. Besides helping you to find what you are looking for, the system may even help you to discover resources that are available, but that you had not thought of looking for.

Hopefully it will not be too difficult to figure out how to use the redesigned file. However, I recommend that the included directions be read first. Besides including instructions and examples on how to use the new design, the directions also discuss redistribution of the file.

One of the results of the redesign is that the file may not work right when it is attached to an email. The HTML code of the file itself is standards-compliant, but I found in my testing that some email systems would not run it properly. So, the Links files are not attached to the Links emails anymore. Instead, the Links file should now be used by downloading its zip file from the web page linked to in the email, extracting it with the supplied password, saving it to a drive, and opening it in a modern web browser like Internet Explorer 7, Firefox, Safari, or Opera. After you open it, you may want to bookmark it or add it to your Favorites for easy retrieval later on.

New and updated resources are listed under the *** NEW *** and *** UPDATED *** index headings.

New resources this time around include:

  • CaenChina, a French blog

  • Spanish 3-line material for What We Learn... w magazine articles, which were designed to be used for studying with interested ones

  • Spanish 3-line material for the Require brochure

  • 3-line material for certain NWT scriptures

  • Revelation book audio files

  •, a new blog with information and commentary on various subjects that may be of interest to those in the Chinese field

Thursday, June 19, 2008

Different Windows Zip Program

The download page for the Windows zip program ZipCentral, which for many years had been the zip program I recommended to Windows users who needed one, seems to have gone offline. So, after some research and testing, I have updated every reference to that page in my Links resources download pages to now point to instead. WinZip is a well-known Windows zip program, but it is not free. Of course, you may use whatever zip program you find works for you.

Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Talk 53 Recordings

Audio and video recordings of Mandarin public talk 53 are now available from the Mandarin Public Talks Audio & Video page. The recordings are available in MP3, iPod video, CD, and DVD formats. Chairmen's information is also available in Simp+Pinyin+English 3-line PDF format.

For information on how to access this page, email me, providing information such as what group or congregation you're with, who referred you to this site, etc.